Yep. After reading the title of this blog post, you probably figured already but Ben and I went ahead and watched The Bohemian Rhapsody this past weekend. And boy! Are we in love with Freddie Mercury and our existing love for all the Queen songs has been newly ignited (okay, almost all, because I still […]

So, here’s a thought…Let’s say you’ve spent months learning about funnels and online marketing strategies. You read all the books.  You consumed all the videos. You listened to all the podcasts.  You’ve done all the work. And… you continue to do so. But, your funnel STILL is not converting. The sales are not coming in.  […]

Welcome to the ultimate entrepreneur’s toolkit! {This content may contain affiliate links which may result in my being financially compensated for purchases site visitors make through said links.} As a full-time, location-independent digital entrepreneur / boss babe or girl boss / occasional work-from-home business owner and wife of an amazing while simultaneously adorable husband and fellow […]

If you’ve ever wanted to become more productive in your online business, then you know that it can be time consuming and difficult to create a large quantity of valuable content. Today I’m here to tell you that there is a secret to solve this problem. You can create one thousand pieces of content in […]

If you’re an entrepreneur or online marketer looking to take your business and social media influence to the next level, you need to be following the entrepreneurial guru, Gary Vee (in case you aren’t yet). Not only is Gary a genuinely good guy to follow but rather, his hyper-effective method for lead generation is worth […]

Disclaimer: This content may contain affiliate links which may result in me being financially compensated for purchases site visitors make through said links. {This post on simplifying your online design needs is the first in a new weekly 5-part post series we’re launching on this blog: A Small Business’s Survival Guide.} This solution that I’m going to […]

In today’s blog post, we’re focusing on the areas and mistakes people make on Instagram and why they aren’t making any sales. [videopress HmIi7sF0] Why even choose to be active on Instagram to drive potential sales and leads to your offers/products? Why Instagram over a lot of other social media platforms? Well, Instagram is one […]

My team and I get asked this a lot… what is the BEST sales funnel strategy for eCommerce business? ECommerce is a beast on its own. There are so many moving pieces that need to fit neatly into place for any eCommerce business to be a success. From the right email marketing strategy to organic […]

First impressions count. The headshot you choose to upload on your different social media platforms plays a HUGE role in how you want to be seen online and how you want to brand yourself. The perfect headshot is warm, relatable, professional, authentically you and welcoming. Many of you might not know this but I’ve worked […]

One of the best ways to figure out how to structure your online marketing campaign (regardless of if you’re just starting out or, if you are a multi-million dollar company already)… Is to look at what some of the most successful companies are doing out there in terms of ‘funneling’ their visitors down and turning […]