Today someone asked me, “is being a mom not enough?”

I was playing with my son at our local playground.

As you so often do, you get to start talking with other moms and dads while watching your kids play.

After they found out I was an entrepreneur and was running my own business, they got more curious.

I explained further about what I did, and a few minutes into the conversation, a dad asked, “is being a mom not enough?”…

What makes the difference between a person succeeding and failing? Because some people understand not to leave crumbs behind while others don’t. Let me explain. For example, remember that error alert that kept popping up whenever you downloaded something from the internet onto your laptop? You continued to ignore the warning signs. 3 months later, […]


November 25, 2017

38. 38 times we’ve moved over the course of the past 10 years together. 38 times of packing our lives up into rather small and constrained boxes. 38 times of lifting and heaving those boxes from an old home to a new home. 38 times of starting fresh. 38 times of spreading our love again […]

Our time in Europe has come to an end. With a somewhat heavy heart, I start packing all of my things that I’ve acquired these past 4 months while traveling in Europe and South Korea – already planning my next few trips for 2018. You see, one of the things that has got me totally […]