Or, how to create videos that stand out?
When it comes to recording videos or even recording yourself on video, most people feel the fear creeping up inside their chest.
It’s an overwhelming process to them and especially a lot of business owners and entrepreneurs, who could really benefit from using more videos throughout their marketing, shy away from it.
My goal with this blog post is to shed some light on the entire video recording process for you and to show you how simple it can be if you are aware of a few ‘shooting rules’ as well as have some basic equipment.
So, here we go:
Having a collection of this basic video recording equipment, will make recording videos so much easier.
So, since gear is where every creation process starts, I wanted to start here and share with you what I personally use and what has worked for me.
When it comes to recording quick videos on the go, I simply use my SAMSUNG S8 phone with its in-built video editor processing tool.
It’s amazing nowadays what smartphones can do and it’s so easy to just capture some footage on the fly with it.
For videos that I record from home, I mostly use a point-and-shoot camera.
I have a DSLR camera. However, I prefer shooting videos for Youtube, Linkedin and other marketing purposes with my Sony Cyber-shot DSC-RX100.
It is SO small, light and quick to use. Moreover, you can guarantee to do a good job setting up the whole setting yourself because the camera allows you to turn the screen of it, so you can see yourself and what you are doing the entire time.
Then, of course, I use a tripod. I got a small one for the table as well as a tall one if I need to move the frame out a bit further.
For lighting purposes at home, I bought this lighting gear package a few years ago and boy, it was one of the best investments I’ve ever made. I highly recommend it.
Having the right kind of background lighting immediately increases the perceived quality of your video.
Finally, audio is key. For audio purposes one of my famous Youtuber friends recommended to me the Zoom H4N PRO Digital Multitrack Recorder. I’ve also had it for years and it never disappoints to deliver the kind of audio recording I’m looking for.
In case using such a recorded, is a bit too complicated for you because you don’t want to have to deal with transferring the file onto your computer – I totally get it – you can use this microphone instead.
You simply plug it into your laptop for improving your audio quality and it does a great job as well.
Regardless of if you do Facebook Lives for your marketing or you pre-record Youtube and/or Linkedin Videos, abiding to these ‘video rules’ can make or break your video and as such, have a direct influence on your viewership.
They are really important and you need to focus on getting them right if you want to create an interesting video.
(1) Background, background, background.
Depending on your brand, use the kind of background that fits to it.
I’m personally a book nerd, so I love having my home library in the background of my videos.
So, if you are a solo-entrepreneur, you might use your home office as the background to your videos as well.
If your brand is more colorful, use colorful backgrounds.
Don’t shy away from it.
Test, test and test again. See what works and what your audience responds to.
A good rule of thumb is that if you would be watching the video, does the background look distracting to you or are you still in focus?
That is also an important question to keep in mind.
(2) It’s all about that lighting.
We’ve talked about having the right kind of lighting background in the previous section.
Your face always needs to be pointed towards the light source.
However, be sure to not have direct sunlight, for example, or a lamp pointed directly at your face.
This will create really harsh shadows on your face and actually, make you look older.
This awesome graphic by Wistia explains from where you want your lighting sources to come from:
(3) Frame.
I’ve found that video views convert the best into engagement when you either position yourself in the exact middle of a frame or,
When you frame yourself onto one third of the frame, kind of like this:
Do you see how in this video, I’m trying to position myself towards the middle of the left arrow.
That’s the kind of framing I am talking about ;).
Again, you’ve got to try it out.
When I record from my home office, in comparison, I noticed that because of my set up, the framing looks cooler if I position myself in the middle like this:
(4) Context/Setting.
Now, the setting or context is related to the framing.
Depending on if you choose your home office, a park, walking inside the office space of a co-working building, walking through town, on the beach, etc. depending on all of this, your framing will be influenced by the setting.
If you choose to have an interesting setting or context that you film your video in front of, you can dramatically increase your conversions.
However, you have to find what works for you.
Some people love sharing lessons while walking. Other entrepreneurs or business owners would get way too distracted to do that.
You have to figure out what works for you, what resonated great with your audience and than, do more of that.
(5) Audio can make or break your video.
I’m the first one to admit that I don’t always have the perfect audio during my videos.
Though, I definitely try because I know how important this is.
Because of that I always take my BOSE headphones with me anywhere because they do a pretty great job at recording some nice audio when I decide to record a video on the fly.
At home, like I mentioned before, I use the Zoom H4n microphone.
It’s a bit more work during the post-production process but it will get you some great results.
And this is now where we are at, during the post production phase.
EDITING (Post-Production)
Here are my little tricks an tips on how I edit my videos:
- Increase quality of your audio (decrease background noises) inside iMovie.
- Cut out all the ‘Ums’ and ‘You knows’ and other time wasters inside iMovie.
- Add short intro with title to what your video is about.
- Add some title or, intro music.
- Enhance the color of the video.
- Fix the white balance of the video.
That was pretty much it.
If you decide to record videos from your smart phones (all the while, keeping my Video Shooting Techniques in mind!), I love to use the app FilmoraGO to edit my videos.
Otherwise, I edit my videos inside iMovie and after uploading the files onto my computer.
Last but not least, have fun with it and allow yourself to be creative.
Finally, be sure to share this article if you’ve found it helpful <4.
Let’s do this!
P.s. You might also enjoy: https://corneliapauline.com/2018/02/22/5-ways-quickly-build-community-online-storytelling/
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