So, here’s a thought…Let’s say you’ve spent months learning about funnels and online marketing strategies. You read all the books.  You consumed all the videos. You listened to all the podcasts.  You’ve done all the work. And… you continue to do so. But, your funnel STILL is not converting. The sales are not coming in.  […]

More to Life.

December 2, 2017

I was sitting in my school’s church and the song textbook slipped out of my fingers. It fell to the ground with a loud bang in a moment where everything else was silent. And that’s when it happened. My heart started racing. I couldn’t breath. All the blood felt like it was first rushing to […]

Our time in Europe has come to an end. With a somewhat heavy heart, I start packing all of my things that I’ve acquired these past 4 months while traveling in Europe and South Korea – already planning my next few trips for 2018. You see, one of the things that has got me totally […]