Last night, I had an eye-opening experience that made me realize the importance of embracing vulnerability and pushing ourselves to step out of our comfort zones. It all began with an epiphany that struck me like a bolt of lightning, making me understand that the things we least want to do are often the ones […]

Today someone asked me, “is being a mom not enough?”

I was playing with my son at our local playground.

As you so often do, you get to start talking with other moms and dads while watching your kids play.

After they found out I was an entrepreneur and was running my own business, they got more curious.

I explained further about what I did, and a few minutes into the conversation, a dad asked, “is being a mom not enough?”…

What is the most touching act of kindness you have ever witnessed or experienced? So this happened about 5 years ago. My husband has just been relocated to Southern California for work and I was transferring schools in order to finish my degree close to where he worked. We had been struggling a bit a […]

I love this topic. So, let’s get started right away. First of all, I think it’s important to talk about how communities are formed in general? Understanding the psychology behind it is as important for growing a community as it is to publish storytelling content for the said community. Stanford University’ Social Innovation said it […]

And How To Really Get Paid For Doing What You Love! I’ve been super naive. You see, when I was this young dreamy Pisces girl, growing up in Vienna, Austria, My head in a book most of the time (romance novel that is *cough, cough*), Heart in the clouds, I thought that I would never […]

Part One. The inspiration for this short story came while walking on a grey and gloomy November day during the streets of Vienna…Enjoy ;)!   A bleak streak of silver rushed through the clouds like a rare spec of light in a barren sky. I lifted up my face and fell in line to the rhythm of […]

I believe…

November 12, 2017

I believe I am a person. A human to be precise. I believe that my fate lies within me, but is beyond my reach. I will only be able to find it in my dreams, the dreams of my imagination. I believe that time can heal everything, but not love. Love cannot heal everything, especially […]