Writing Engaging Content Is the Swiss Army Knife of Content Marketing.
If you are one of those online business owners who continues to produce content but no one is noticing it, then your content might suck.
I know, I know, that sounds harsh.
But hear me out on this and I’m going to make sure to make this blog post worth your while ;).
However, I needed to say it.
So many entrepreneurs and business owners continuously ask me how to make their content more engaging.
That is why I decided, to put together my 10 BEST WAYS to create content that breeds connection.
Without further ado, here they are:
(1) The headline needs to be an attention grabber.
Your content needs to be attention grabbing.
Especially, the first headline.
You can have the best piece of content but if your first few lines at the beginning of the content are not engaging and grabbing the attention of your reader, no one is going to read the rest.
In case you would like to learn a bit more on how you can improve your content headlines, Copyblogger has a great article full of tips here: https://www.copyblogger.com/10-sure-fire-headline-formulas-that-work/
Afterwards, continue to ask yourself – always – if your content:
Would I stop doing what I was doing and click on this post?
Does it communicate the right value to the right kinds of people?
Does my content serve a clear purpose?
If you make sure you can answer all of these three questions with a big, “YES!” before publishing your next content piece, you are one more step in the right direction of making your content work for you.
(2) Talk TO them.
Have you ever noticed how much content out there just talks AT us instead of TO us?
There is a major difference right there.
Having the writer of a piece of content talk AT me, almost makes me feel like being back in college.
Though, not only that, it also is a bit predictable.
The writer is playing it safe.
How to change that?
Well, you can do it like I am doing it right now. I’m literally imagining you, sitting right across from me, sipping on an Espresso as well (or whatever other type of coffee drink you prefer) while I am having this CONVERSATION with you about content.
I am talking TO you and not at you.
See the difference?
You can find more tips on this particular point, in this article:
(3) Imperfections are endearing.
Imperfection makes you human.
People can relate to that.
Don’t think you have to appear as if you always have it together.
That actually turns people off.
Instead, work on sharing sometimes the not-so-nice things about your business or day that might be happening to you.
Careful though, you never want to sound negative, whinie or complain. This is just to share a glimpse into your life that might not be all perfect.
Think about any influencer out there that you know and how they do the same?
If it is about missing a flight to get to a conference, having a car tire blow up, a laptop stops working, etc.
This is what makes life, life.
People want to feel this from you so they can relate to your digital persona.
(4) Inject your content with heart.
People can tell if you’re being fake.
They can’t always pinpoint exactly how you might be fake but your audience has an innate sense for it.
The same goes for authenticity and vulnerability.
Your audience can feel it.
Great content has almost like a beating, living heart to it.
An emotion.
The more you improve your skills by writing content daily, the better you get at faster crafting that emotional connection to your audience and getting them to react.
(5) Hello story structure!
You’ve probably heard that every good story that has ever been written has:
A beginning.
A middle.
And an end.
There’s no way around it.
It’s as natural of a progression as life itself is with birth, life and death.
As a result and even, if you decide to break any other rule out there.
You want to follow this one rule at least.
Every piece of content (no matter how long or short) should have a killer intro, a great and catchy body and a smart conclusion.
Start writing ;).
(6) Entertain.
Whenever I write content, I constantly ask myself how to make this more ‘different‘.
How to even make it a bit weird?
Not in a weird sense ;).
But, in a way that makes people stop and get curious.
I like to inspire curiosity through my work online and on different media platforms.
I encourage you to do the same.
There is such a pure joy in entertaining a person through the kind of content you create.
Oh, and don’t think it has to be crazy or over-the-top.
It can be very subtle.
In the way, you structure your sentences (just like I am doing here to get a point across ^^).
Or, in the way you connect an image with your text.
How you switch off locations for your video or try and dance before going on a Facebook Live.
Whatever it is, don’t be afraid to be bold and daring.
(7) Look at the numbers.
Now this one’s going to be a hard one to swallow if you see yourself as a total creative (a bit like me *I admit it*).
But – chances are – that if you’re reading this blog article right now, you are in the content creation business for a reason.
You are either looking to increase your visibility for yourself or for your business online.
You seek to establish yourself as an expert.
You want to share your wealth of knowledge and serve your audience at a larger scale.
Whatever it is, understand that you have to still look at the numbers.
Now, what do I really mean by that?
I am referring to looking at statistics.
For example, if you run a Facebook Group (like I do and you can request free access to join mine here), you want to regularly (I’d recommend even daily at the beginning) to look at ‘GROUP INSIGHTS’.
There, you will find when and on what days your audience engages with your posts the most.
You can find similar analytics and data insight options for all kinds of different other social media distribution channels.
The numbers will teach you what often times your ego wont allow you to accept.
That some posts simply always perform better with your audience than others.
Dissect what works.
Do more of that and you’re going to do just fine.
(8) Stop looking for answers.
There are so many entrepreneurs, business owners and aspiring influencers out there who are trying to get information from other influencers and successful business owners and entrepreneurs about what type of content distribution works for them.
I say, screw that!
Yes, of course, analyze your heroes and sheroes and see, if you can’t find commonalities between the work that they put out there, specifically in terms of the content they publish.
However, at one point, you just have to jump out of the airplane and trust that your parachute will open.
Because, it will!
As long as you follow all of my other steps in this article, you are going to be fine.
At one point, you just have to do it and you can not wait for anyone else to do it for you.
You are in control of how you are being perceived online.
A big part of how you are being perceived online is through the content you produce on a regular basis.
Stop waiting and trying to get answers from coaches, influencers, etc. about when and how and what you should post.
I’ve always been a fan of, “Just do it.”
{Shoedog, anyone?!}
(9) The over-thinker.
You are still with me at this point.
However, a tiny part at the left corner of your heart still whispers to you,
“I just don’t know what to write about most of the time!”
Well, dear reader, at this point I recommend visiting the content sourcing platform, buzzsumo.com
You can search for any keyword you like.
For example, I love looking for “news,” “small business,” “entrepreneurship,” “marketing,” and a few more.
Depending on your industry, these will vary a bunch.
What is going to stay the same is that you now have access to a database that will show you the most trending and engaging topics on the world wide web as of that moment you hit enter on that search term.
Have fun and don’t forget to create and not just consume.
(10) Serve on a massive level.
Don’t just half-ass it.
Don’t just have that attitude that things are just going to come to you.
Sure, the law of attraction is important.
However, it is not if you let the control over your life go to that believe.
You are the creator of your life.
Just as you are the creator of your content.
Put your whole heart into your content.
Serve people on a massive level that they have never seen from you before.
Then, do it again.
And again.
That’s the kind of attitude I am talking about.
If you are ready to crank up that content game say, “HECK YES!” in the comments down below and let’s disrupt the digital world.
[…] Side note: If you want/need more help on how to craft amazing content, you might want to check out this other article on the blog: https://corneliapauline.com/2018/01/18/10-simple-ways-create-content-breeds-connection-aka-engaging-… […]
[…] P.s. You might also enjoy: https://corneliapauline.com/2018/01/18/10-simple-ways-create-content-breeds-connection-aka-engaging-… […]