Or, when someone thinks they can make money online without having to work for it. This morning I’ve received an email newsletter in my inbox from a rather no-name marketer. I receive a ton of emails in my inbox every day. Purpose? Research :). With that being said and to sum up his email, I’d […]

Since you’ve asked ;)… Why do I love and use the funnel building software, Clickfunnels? (1) It has been the FIRST funnel building software I have ever used. And I’m a loyal gal. What else can I say for this point :)? (2) Knock yourself out building huge funnel networks. The software is very good […]

The magical pairings of a podcaster using sales funnels to build her online business and put it on steroids. As a podcaster, you give away free valuable content frequently AND entertain your audience along the way. Not only that, you also build a TRIBE. Now, a sales funnel gives that tribe of yours PURPOSE. How […]

How can I realistically make $100k online in 12 months?   Here is my blueprint for you on how to realistically make $100k online in 12 months (at least, that’s how I’ve done it): This basic blueprint is for people who want to make an automated income online through sales and marketing funnels. Please keep in mind […]

The Backpack.

November 15, 2017

Sometimes all you need as a digital entrepreneur is your portable office – also known as ‘THE BACKPACK’ . I still remember when I was a little girl looking through the numerous travel guides my parents had at home in our living room library in our house in Vienna… And imagined myself exploring all those different […]

How to form juicy long-lasting social media customer relationships, and deal with a few messy ones along the way? Imagine sitting at a poker table and not being able to know how to play poker. You would end up loosing a lot of money, wouldn’t you? The same goes for when you are a digital […]

Let’s talk landing pages today. There are 15 key elements that comprise any successful landing page. Wanna know what they are? Here we go: 1) Clarity: You need to have a clear offer in order to meet your target audience’s expectations. 2) Scent: Stay true to your own unique voice and style throughout the landing […]

The great thing about sales funnels is that every business needs leads and/or sales so they can be of help to every business. It’s just a matter of finding the right strategy and implementing it… As we all very well know already at this point, there are several types of funnels you can use to […]

As a digital marketer and online business owner, I continue to get asked the following question. So, I thought it would be time to put together a little article on the subject matter at hand. Without further ado, here’s a quick summary of the steps: You need the right funnel strategy. You need to invest […]

Honestly? “Duh,” you’re thinking. Though, be prepared. You might not like the answer. If you’re not at that point yet where you can utilize paid traffic, you gotta… Yes, you guessed it. Hustle. There’s no other way around it. Stop looking for a shortcut. You gotta put your funnel in front of the eyes of […]